Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I'm at it again

Well, here I am again. It's raining, it's 6 o'clock in the morning, two of the three kids are staying home because they have nasty colds, so I'm up working now. Well, not working yet, but I'm writing here, so that's good. My toe is owie, but I think that's the rain, so I'm trying to ignore it.

I've let the third story in my FBI series go for the time being to work on my collaboration. Things are going well with that. I'm over 10,000 words and well into the third chapter of my six solo chapters. My characters are finding their groove, my locations are settled, and there have been points where the story almost wrote itself. It's been fun to play with a story that is set in the past, especially my past. It's been really fun to revisit 1985 and some of the ridiculous things that we did back then. What the hell were we thinking with the jeans that were so tight that you had to lay down to zip 'em up? Weird, but it's what it was. Oh, and who ever thought leg warmers were a good idea? Besides Jennifer Beals and Olivia Newton-John, of course.

We had a small production meeting last night (I say that 'cause it makes me feel important, like a big stud Hollywood director), and got some stuff worked out regarding the aspects of the story that D and I will be writing together. I'm really excited about the project because it's coming together so nicely. I hope that it continues that way, and I have no reason to believe that it won't, so things are looking good. But then I ask myself why wouldn't it? It's a great idea (thanks to D for that), it's a romp complete with a really hot Russian spy babe, guns, KGB goons, chase scenes, and more than a couple of surprises. It's right up my alley. My dark little alley with bad guys waiting at the end.

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