Monday, April 7, 2008

The Deed is Done

Yes, my friends, the deed is done. "Files," with it's new working title "Leap of Faith" (no pun intended), is now uploaded and in the hot little hands of the lovely people at Bold Strokes Books.

Chris and I spent the weekend tweaking and reading. Actually, Chris tweaked and read while I fretted and bit my nails. It's like that frequently around here. We wrote the cover letter, my author bio, and the synopsis as outlined in the submission guidelines. And then, at 12:24am on April 7, 2008, I sent my baby out into the world. It was a strange sensation, kind of like panic mixed with joy, and once the send button was clicked, I felt a weight lift from my shoulders.


Anyway, it's out there now. I should receive a submission receipt within 48 hours, and I should have either a yay or nay within 12 weeks. Cross your fingers for me... I'm going back to biting my nails now.

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