Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Fighting the Letdown

Yes, my friends, I'm fighting some letdown. And that's really a shame considering the good news that I recently received.

For those of you who don't know already, I sold my first story to Bold Strokes Books (details: http://www.boldstrokesbooks.com/Bios/DLLbio.html). Wow! That's big news and it makes me really happy. Apparently, so happy that I haven't managed to write a word since then. I'm hoping that writing this will help, but you never know. As far as the story goes, it's in a holding pattern until we start editing and fixing things. There's also the Olympics on TV and I find myself glued to most of the events. I've also been knitting a little as well as dogsitting. Whatever. Lots of things are on hold for the moment, so I'm hoping for a flash of inspiration soon. I do have lots of ideas brewing, but nothing seems to want to make me sit down and work. I can't call it writer's block because I basically don't believe in that, but there's something at work here that I don't understand.

To my friends who are writing and posting stories: I'm reading your work. Really, I am. It's just been hard to find new, wonderful things to say about those stories. Heck, it's been hard to find anything to say about anything. Maybe blogging will help. I sure hope so.

1 comment:

Team Serrins Springfield said...

Well, this looks somewhat like writing. Maybe not like a lot of writing but like writing nonetheless. I totally hear what you're saying. Sometimes you're there and sometimes you're not and when you're not, at least you can watch the Olympics 24 hours a day!